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Welcome to my personal website!

My name is Boris Dalstein, and I'm a computer graphics researcher and software engineer. This basically involves doing a lot of math and writing a lot of code. I love 2D and 3D animated movies, and my work has mainly focused on developing innovative digital tools to make the magic happens. As a somewhat side effect of my research, I found myself developing tools for graphic design too.

I'm the founder of a startup called VGC Software, where I develop more user-friendly apps for graphic design and 2D animation. Previously, I have worked at Disney Research Zurich, Inria Rhône-Alpes, and Pixar Animation Studios. I hold a Bachelor degree from École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, a Master's degree from University of Grenoble, I studied one semester at ETH Zurich as an exchange student, and I hold a PhD degree from the University of British Columbia. My PhD thesis was about topological modeling for vector graphics and 2D animation.

Feel free email me at boris@vgc.io for any inquiry.

Have a nice day,
